Well, I didn’t see that coming. One heck of a sci-fi twist that takes it in entirely different directions. Cool job on that point, and I kind like that our semi-narcissistic character in terms of his carto duties is so easily dropped by the security forces guy. It’s shaming for him, but a relief, and it just fits realistically into the schema.
I’m kind of surprised you didn’t expect this, because I really got the feeling you were trying to tell me to do something dramatic in “Family, Chaos, and Realisations”, and this was what I thought you implied.
Wow :D I love this!! I really wish the word limit was higher, because the big reveal seemed a little rushed, but you can’t really do much about that. I think you executed this perfectly Sam!
I know this wasn’t necessarily the intent when you wrote the other stories, but I really like the way this ties in with his “streaming consciousness” style of doing… whatever it is that he does. He’s not really thinking about anything, just spewing code like you or I would breathe, and which gives his technological stowaway a scary sense or realism. How many times have you been doing something for a long time without thinking, only to realize where we are without knowing how you got there?