I don’t know how many of you are Australian, and I don’t honestly expect anyone to understand this story, but it is an incredibly important tradition here in Australia. If you want, you could google it, but I doubt you will really understand the feelings and sentiments as to why we revere ANZAC Day. This isn’t a personal story, but there are many people in Australia where this holds true.
Like I said, I don’t expect you to understand it, I just hope you like it.
I like it too, although you say that he looked up at your grandfather’s eyes, then later you say that he’s dead. Is it a different grandfather? The war is so haunting, though. If you ever go to France near the trenches of the Sommes, be sure to hear the Last Post. I know that’s WWI, but it’s so heartbreaking. When I went to France I heard it being rehearsed first in a cemetary and it was so sad and solemn.
hey luke this was a good story. why cant you get a pic? they are free, it is an image that helps us identify with you. it is like a billboard saying,“use your precious lives to read my story, it will be worth it, i even uploaded a pic.”: