
Convinced 2

I am not a nice person.
Or at least not anymore.
I have caused too much pain.
I’ve made too many hearts sore.

And althoughI know, I don’t deserve my life,
I want to live longer, and make things right.

There’s so much to do left on this planet.
I simply can not willingly kick the bucket or can it.

I see a bright light.
I won’t leave by choice.
God must force me to go.
Wait…I hear a voice.

“My name is doctor Lestrang, you will be alright.
We have an ambulance here. You will live another night.”

My heart leaps forward.
Tears stream down my face.
God has answered my prayers.
It’s not time for me to leave this place.

And I swear on my life, that as long as I live,
I will make things worth while
and remember to give.

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