
Quick as a flash

As soon as I turned my head around, there they were, 23 ninjas chasing me in the parking lot of the mall.

I kept focused on my mission, I needed to get a camera. All my life we have had no evidence of ninjas existence but in folk tales. This time we can actually get proof. I can prove my theories are right.

My heart pounded in my chest as I entered the mall seeing the Best Buy.

Just when I thought I was home free, I was surrounded by them. Crowds of people were everywhere but because of the ninja secrecy training, no one noticed but me. I cracked the code, I knew how to see them. They attacked. I grabbed a buggy and gave a big push hopping on it. I was being cut to shreds but I had to press on, even if I didn’t survive, I needed to get the evidence.

I finally made it into the store grabbing a display camera and flashed the quickest shot I could which immediately showed on all the monitors in the store .

Now the world knows it’s darkest secret. Ninjas do exist, and now the war has just begun.

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