Very bizarre, but tastefully dramatic all the same. I’m going to assume some of the weirdness is due to slipping in the Easter Eggs, which I am not even going to guess at lest I embarrass myself.
Very odd and unique, but also entertaining. I have no idea what eggs you are talking about, but I loved the whole tone which seemed vaguely prophetic? Nice work.
Well the book/movie is my favourite movie ever and I use “As you wish” daily. Beyond that though, the easter eggs are safely hidden from me. The story does seem a bit random but there is something that holds it together that makes it work. Weird but good.
Oh, now I see. I got the “Easter Egg” (reference?) to the movie. It’s one of my favorites as well and our whole family can quote large portions of it, LOL. The others elude me, however. :o)