

The silver drone looked like a sleeping porcupine, festooned with bent antennae and cracked satellite dishes. In this eternal night beyond the static of life and stars, she can outrun the transmissions. Faster than light, faster than history.

And it is here that the prickly archeologist finally discovers the ruins she seeks. Ruins not of stone. Alas, nothing so solid as fossils and enduring as clay pots or granite monuments. She digs through layers of radio static, trying to find a signal.

She extends her antennae farther, miles apart. Listening to the past of a creator she cannot remember. Ah ha! A signal. A tiny bauble, barely survived from eons in space. She observes her discovery with reverence:

A portly man appears in an odd uniform.
…“Bang! Zoom!”…
And then applause, from an unseen audience.

Strange. She documents her discovery and moves on. Only a few light-years until I Love Lucy.

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