come on man, i dont think that this type of writing is wrong or bad, i just think that ficly is not the place for it. i mean i use the internet for more questionable content than this story, but globs of semen dripping onto his crotch is usually preceded by a screen that asks are you over eighteen. I am not lobbying for cencorship just change of venue.
There are probably a dozen reasons why I like this, though few of them are because of the raw vulgarity. Mostly I find it absolutely interesting that we (you and I) could write stories that mirror each other back to back. It’s amazing really. I don’t know what the standards are for ficly, but I think the scene is well written. I can certainly imagine everything clearly and the words you’ve chosen have weight and passion.
Mighty Joe has a point, when you consider how loose Ficly’s Mature rating is, and how many tweens frequent this site.
Honestly, this was slightly over the top because of two sentences and the words cock, cum, crotch and tits are almost pornographic. I’ve found that the article “how to write a sex scene” to be helpful for me ( Step 2 in the article suggests not using certain words for genitalia. IMHO, I would suggest putting a period after" the top pulled down." and deleting the end of that sentence. Also, rewording the 2nd to last sentence to only “She lifted herself up, and strolled into the bathroom on those stiletto heels.” Those two sentence changes would turn this into an emotionally charged story versus a story for Hustler.
I expressed my opinion. I didn’t want censor it. for that, I’m sorry to see you take the story down. Maybe you’ll post an extended version on your blog?
As to your point about sexual taboos… it reminds me of the foot massage argument between Jules and Vincent in Pulp Fiction. My point is this: Most people would let a female family member (mother/sister/grandmother) read their story about the murdering skinners before the would let them read an explicit sex scene. in a perfect world there shouldn’t be a difference, but there is.
I appreciate the comment from THX on this one. I wasn’t sure what the community standards were on this particular thing. I wasn’t even aware of the existence of the “Mature” tag until I dropped a flurry of F-bombs in a story. I’ve removed the story to avoid stirring up controversy or playing the troll. I appreciate the support and critiques of the writing. In the future, I can’t see myself removing something unless one of the site gurus specifically tells me to.