

How does dancing make me feel? I don’t know how to explain it… I haven’t got the words. I suppose it’s like forgetting or losing who you are. When I dance, my life evaporates around me, and for a moment I am someone.
It’s like when you’ve been crying, and you’re empty and full at the same time.
It’s like when you’ve been running all day, and you’re out of breath but all the same you want to keep running forever.

Then there’s a moment, when you dance so fast you might fall off your own feet. There’s a change – a spark – that turns on inside. Then I feel as if I’m flying, like the whole world is just passing on beneath me, and every part of me is buzzing, vibrating like electricity.

And when that happens, it’s like I grew wings. Without dance I’m caged, but when I start spinning, I feel so free.

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