
Chapter 2, Part 4: Seema

Everybody in the bar was silent. It reminded Seema of whenever government men had come to take someone else away. Outside, the world still seemed to move from left to right, nobody looking in.

The dark-haired man was slowly edging away from the manic girl, whose dark eyes were fixed on the poor bartender. Around her everyone stared either at the scene taking place before the window or deep into the depths of their cocktail glasses. One woman clutched her stomach desperately. Seema knew she had to say something in the little English she knew.

“Excuse me,” Seema said slowly.
The mad-eyes woman looked at her with evil in her eyes. What Seema said next could be the difference between a peaceful settlement and a hostage situation.
“What?” the woman screamed, her voice full of unspoken tears.
Suddenly, Seema realised she had no idea what she wanted to say. She could never find the words to appease this broken woman.

Seema kept her arms by her side as the woman enquired again,
“What do you want?!”

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