oh my freakin gawd are you freakin amazing or what? you are not playin i guess there are some ninja word warriors among us.
One nitpick: The words ribs, skulls, and jaws are all plural, but ‘fibula’ is singular. Unfortunately, the plural is ‘fibulae’.
Yep, that was a “too lazy, didn’t look it up” on my part. Fixed.
Fibulae? Wow, close call! :D
Fantastic! I was going to say awesome, but that had an ‘e’ in it,
Amazing, simply amazing.
morbid! but a great job without using the ‘e’. :)
Really well executed. Don’t even miss the E’s.
Interesting, as usual.
wEll ExEcutEd dEscriptions, dudE!
Congratulations on your victory.
Congrats on the win…it was well deserved. As I commented before this was an amazing . A great gem of a story, that is bordering on a morality tale.
Wow! This had a great feel to it – and without “e” at all… great job!
Mighty-Joe Young (A.K.A Strong Coffee)(LoA)
August Rode
smdasilva {LoA}
ElshaHawk (LoA)
Robert Quick
Tad Winslow
Robert Quick
RoseTone ~LoA~