
Instant Message

Tapping away at the keyboard, Frankie tried to pretend she was working while she eavesdropped on an IM conversation coming from the next cubicle. It wasn’t because she wanted to eavesdrop but when she saw the keywords “bank fraud” alarms went off in her systems. The fact that it was coming from the next cubicle surprised her.

“I’m telling you if this doesn’t get fixed now, the boss is going to freak,” IM handle of M.Jackson typed.

“It’s getting fixed,” IM handle Turner replied. “It takes time & pressure 2 hack a system. U can’t just hack with a machete but with a scalpel.”

Frankie did a whois lookup on “Turner” to try to locate his IP address.

Frankie almost laughed, if Turner was such an elite hacker as s/he claims to be, s/he wouldn’t have started this conversation. M.Jackson was the noob in this case.

“Done,” Turner typed. “Bank has fwd $2000 to ur acct.”

The search was completed, Frankie looked up the report and suddenly almost fell out of her chair. The IP address was her IP address.

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