

“Wake up!” Protagonist’s mother nag-yelled again. This last nag-yell was so loud and shrill it pierced the ears and even the souls of the inhabitants of this world, the next world, and the nightmarish world in between.

Leorge and his pet Bungans were taken aback by this sound and were suddenly overwhelmed by a sense of existential despair. They placed their hands over their ears in a vain effort to block the piercing nag-yell and howled in pain.

Protagonist, free from the clutches of Leorge’s nightmare realm, jumped out of bed.

“All right, all right, I’m up,” Protagonist shouted, hoping to end the nagging, which unbeknownst to him, actually did him some good, for once in his life.

“What a strange dream,” Protagonist thought, as he groggily searched for clothes to wear. Just as he was about to put on a shirt, he noticed bruises all over his chest and stomach.

“No, it couldn’t be,” he said as he put on his favorite red shirt. “It was just a strange dream.”

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