As a vehicle to deliver a punch line, this story works well enough, but it certainly doesn’t ring as possible. How does a moron like Marcus ever get to be a captain?
@H.S., regarding your recent inquiry into the state of my imagination; it’s fine, thank you. ;-) If someone who presses buttons higgledy-piggledy and/or willy-nilly is able to make captain, there can only be some jiggery-pokery at play, okie-dokie? I suspect that Marcus may be simply another data point for the Peter Principle.
Nobody can resist a big red button! I’ve spent hours pressing those virtual buttons. I think this is giving off a Blackadder vibe. The incompetent leader somehow manages to keep control. (I love Blackadder)
Blackadder was still an idiot. Jen has commion sense! That was why i was hesitant to make a direct comparison. Marcus isn’t Baldrick, i don’t think. Baldrick was always of low social status and that was important cos he really was an idiot.
puppeteer, captain! I mean, the captain is there in title and visage, the face of the operation, but the brains, ah the brains, they belong to the one who holds the strings. :)
Seriously, who can’t relate to the captain’s button fetish. Check out:
Excellent story, and good variation of the button trope (, I couldn’t but want to yell “LEEROYJENKINS!” after I read this.
Marcus seems like a swashbuckler – everything he does would be ridiculous, but he manages to work it out… Reminds me of Mal (Firefly/Serenity) in attitude – sort of.
I agreed with August until I realized that Rose and Atjagape are right… This could absolutely be in an episode of firefly and I would never question it. This made me smile, good story lostgirl.
August Rode
H.S. Wift
August Rode
Wednesday [PJ] ((LoA))
August Rode
Wednesday [PJ] ((LoA))
ElshaHawk (LoA)
H.S. Wift
RoseTone ~LoA~