
H.S. Wift: A Journey of a Thousand Miles (excerpt)

Friday, January 5, 1838 was a day that would be carved into H.‘s memory for the remainder of his life. It was the first day of his most significant episode of writer’s block.

H. arrived at the offices of Sloan, Edmunds & Associates, Cliché Writers to the Gentry at his usual time, 6am. One of his coworkers, Q.S. Peedy, was already working, having stoked the stove for heat.

H. took the bottom sheet from the pile of uncompleted orders. Lord Atley and family intended to winter at their villa in Firenze, Italy, and he wanted something inspiring and profound to say before boarding their carriage for Dover.

After consulting his reference materials, H. filled his ink pot. Taking his pen and a new sheet of paper, he started: A journey of a thousand miles begins with… Nothing came to mind. He continued with the words ‘a journey.’ and immediately stopped. He recognized junk when he saw it. The gift had gone. Unbeknown to H. at the time, this was the start of the worst 8 years of his life.

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