
Freedoom and Illusion

“Everybody wants the illusion of Freedom,” The dark skinned magistrate crooned as he eyed the prisoner with suspicion. “but nobody wants the responsibility.” Sitting back in his high-backed chair he folded his hands sagely across his chest, a slight smirk briefly flickering across his face.

An inner turmoil manifested itself on the prisoner’s face as she contemplated the magistrate’s words. Her heart fluttered in her chest like an angry bird trying to break from its cage.

“ Freedom” she whispered to herself half answering, unheard.

“It is for the greater good of the many, this illusion is maintained.” He droned. “What right do you have…?”

“Freedom” she stated a little louder interrupting the judges reverie. Defiantly she raised her head. “Freedom!”

Half deranged they drug her from the court. The halls echoing with her cry.


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