
An experience to remember

I think the experience machine ruined my life. It ruined my life because it ruined every single person I know. I watched every classmate I had exit with dim eyes and a brain of goo. And that’s why I’ve been fighting to stop it. But the only way I can stop it is to be inside it once again.

Officially, they say that no one is allowed to use the experience machine more than once in his or her life, but I know that this isn’t true.

Bribery is frowned upon, but it is extremely common. If you have the right things to trade, that is.

I have heard the inventor has a soft spot for fresh food. Not an apple here or a plum there, which is the most a typical despot gets – if he’s lucky. The inventor wants a full fresh meal as often as he can get it, and he will give almost anything for it.

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