what a courageous daughter, to face her parents like this, yet she is an adult, and has that on her side.
Sounds like this character has found the strength somewhere (from the relationship,perhaps) to be honest and open with her parents. It’s clearly very hard for her, and you’ve conveyed her dread of their reaction, really well, which has nicely built a sense of foreboding. I suspect this isn’t going to go well.
Sounds like this character has found the strength somewhere (from the relationship,perhaps) to be honest and open with her parents.
It’s clearly very hard for her, and you’ve conveyed her dread of their reaction, really well, which has nicely built a sense of foreboding.
I suspect this isn’t going to go well.
I just realized that, throughout this entire series, I’ve been picturing a woman, even though that wasn’t specified until this installment (I don’t think). I wonder why that is?