

Three doctors dressed in green surgical scrubs and elbow length latex gloves crowded around an X-ray film.

“Hmm,” the oldest one said, scratching his chin. “I haven’t seen anything like that in my twenty years as a surgeon.”

“Is that his-?” The youngest one said, gesturing at the shape on the film.

“Yep, that is exactly what it looks like. And there, on the other X-ray, if you’ll notice these two objects…” The third doctor said, holding up a second film. “…are also exactly what we think they are.”

“The bleeding has stopped in the lower wounds, but I don’t know how best to proceed here.” A fourth surgeon said, covered in blood as he entered the room. “Are those his-?”

“Yes.” The other three doctors said.

“Oh, my. Well, I guess that explains where the severed genitalia went.”

“You, you get to work on his mouth removing the stitches and the two objects.” The oldest doctor said to the youngest. He turned and looked at the third doctor. “You and I will remove the stitches and object up his rectum.”

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