
Deep in a Bunker

“Sir, we have another breach.”
“I need more information than that, colonel.”
“We’re working on it, sir. The packets match the pattern of target tango.”
“I need answers. Where is he? His progress?”
“We’re already backhacking. The intermediary was in Boston. So far, he’s only accessed low-security files. I think he’s looking around for something new.”
“Good. I don’t want to have to deal with anymore mess after his last breach.”
“We’ve found a second intermediary … in North Korea.”
“Tango is American. He’s been going after domestic stuff. Black projects and the like.”
“Third intermediate. China.”
“Find him!”
“… and he’s cut. Target Tango has shut down the connection, sir.”
“Write up a full incident report. I want to know as much about the trace as possible and what he accessed.”
“Aye, sir.”

Meanwhile, in Florida:
“Tom, what are you doing?”
“Just browsing the Internet, dear. I’ll be coming to bed shortly.”
“I look forward to it, darling.”

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