
The Inspiration Tree

I wander around the garage sale and see a book out of the corner of my eye. I walk over to it. 25ยข. Why not? It had a beautiful old fashioned cover, and even though I had no clue what it was about (it wasn’t in English), I figured it would look cool on my shelf. Once at home, I put it on my desk and start my new story. I am in desperate need for some inspiration. Maybe I can find something in the book. I pick it up and almost drop it. It’s empty. As I flip through, a stream of words falls out and gather on my desk. I watch as a tree starts to grow. Upon closer inspection, I notice every leaf is made of words. All of a sudden, a leaf falls off. It says “who?”. That’s all the inspiration I need.
The next morning I awake with my face stuck to my desk. I look up at the screen, and see my completed story. I see the book on my desk. I tentatively open it, and see it is full of text, and notice the tree is missing as well.
That night, as I start a new story, I decide to flip through my new book…

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