
Falling Out

Just as the snow stops falling
Her voice rings loud as church bells
A pastor would only make this worse,
for only a thin wall of empty remains between us

I stand only to feel the sticky earth
She spilled sweet orange juice hours ago
Yet here it is
Under me, undermining me.

Out the smooth cold window I spy,
A homeless man staring glassy eyed,
I imagine he dreams the streets are cotton candy
laced and lined with liquor, just to keep warm.

My attention is ripped away by the glimmer.
In the same manner new mail is opened only to be disposed
A silver wrapper blowing in the wind.
That’s the freedom I desire, to float away from you.

Spoiled milk
sits upon the second refrigerator shelve
Now dragging to heed your call,
I feel broken, and broken glass is every step.

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