
Not So Sure...

In English we’re talking about different philosophies. I must have fallen asleep, because next thing I know, my teacher is looking at me expectantly.
“What would you do?” Oh crap. What was the last thing we were talking about? Oh yeah- utilitarianism.
“Whatever benefits the most people.”
“Even if it meant sacrificing yourself?”
“Well, yeah. If it helps everyone else, why should I be selfish?”
“But would you really? The survival instinct is very strong. Who in the class would sacrifice themselves for everyone else?” No one raised their hands. Great.

As soon as I get home, I flop down on my bed, tired from a long day…and land on a small box. OUCH. I look to see who it’s from, but there’s no return address. I open it, and see a small vial inside. There’s also a note. I read it:

Drink the contents of the vial, and most of the problems in the world will be solved, but you will die. Tell someone, and you will die anyways.

Oh crap. It seemed like the obvious answer in English, but now I’m not so sure…

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