The First Sign of Danger
“I’m in the middle of something, whatchoo need?” I knew I came off gruff. I often did when I was busy or a mistake could cost me my life.
“Nice to hear you too, Jailen.” It was Cas.
“Seriously, I’m doing some welding on the hull. One mistake out here and I’m a popsicle.”
“Fine, I was just calling to tell you that we found something.”
I stopped soldering and closed my eyes to concentrate on her words.
“What do you mean you found something?”
“We found something when we were scanning the ore from our pickup.”
“You need me to come inside?”
“No, Kev and Dale are on it. I was letting you know since the company put you in charge.”
“Duly noted. You can go back to ogling pictures of Ray now.”
“He’s good looking!”
I switched off and got back to welding, letting my body go through the motions of the repair. My mind was busy connecting the information that Cas had given me to the work I was doing. The ore we had picked up was inside the lower hull. And now there was an anomaly there. We might have a problem.