“Waiting to be wild, as they were both born to be.” A very graceful way to refer back to the Steppenwolf. Many writers don’t have that knack for subtlety. Bravo.
Did the inspiration for this ficly spring from a drive from Dayton to Columbus by any chance? I remember seeing those highway signs when I lived in Ohio.
Woohoo, Tad wins it for the obscure geographical allusion. Yep, that’s the drive, Dayton to Columbus. Hilliard/Rome exit is just short of Columbus.
And I didn’t use 9 just to make you wonder…that and I forgot to use it, cause I haven’t been getting a lot of sleep lately. All that driving back and forth, well…you know.
I once had a job where I had a 4 hour a day commute. Totally understand.
I think the 2nd paragraph is my favorite of the 3. I think a lot of people view the 10 commandments that way, even though that’s not how they’re intended to be seen. I’ve even done it myself!
But in all honesty, I think your writing is above the lion and gazelle cliche.