
She's Beautiful in the Rain

She’s beautiful in the rain

Drops of water trickling down her face
Leaving long trails of liquid on her cheeks
Making out shapes of hearts and stars as they meet each other

She’s beautiful in the rain

Drops of water splash upon her lips
Creating the effect that they shine in the dim light from the moon that hangs above
Making one wonder how some one like this exist

She’s beautiful in the rain

Drops of water glide down the strands of her hair
Making the ends curl into tiny c’s that hold to the moisture on her face

She’s beautiful in the rain

Drops of water flow into her eyes
Creating the effect that she’s crying
Even when she’s smiling
Making her eyes her most attractive quality

She’s Beautiful in the rain

Drops of water make her clothes cling to her every curve
As if she were wearing a garment of tightly woven silk,
She glows

She’s beautiful in the rain

There’s nothing more to it

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