
Violating Expectations pt. 2

Kara awoke in a wave of pain. Her face hurt. Groaning, she tried to open her eyes. It was a partial success. Everything was out of focus and tinged with red. An ambient buzzing sound annoyed her. Gradually she became aware that the noise came from the television in the living room.

Memories of the attack, came back to her. She touched her face with shaking hands and found dried blood caked around swollen areas that were tender to the touch. Jason had beaten her.

The clock on the dresser told her that hours had passed.

She stumbled painfully to the kitchen and caught sight of her reflection in the oven glass. She was surprised at how much damage had been done- split lips, black eyes, her nose angled in a new direction and blood streaked all over her face like war paint. She snarled, watching her lips peel back to expose red-lined gums.

She drew her butcher knife from the wooden storage block and tightened her grip on the handle.

The stupid bastard was about to find out what she was really made of.

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