
See Ya, School

Dear Sir,

It’s not that I don’t like school. It’s not that a feeling of dread gathers in the pit of my stomach as I chomp down on those soggy cheerios every weekday. It’s not that I’d prefer to stay home my whole life rather than go to school.

It’s not that I don’t love algebra and seeing all those x’s and y’s typed so neatly on the clean white worksheets that our teachers hand out to us.

It’s not that I don’t enjoy completing projects for Language Arts or missing the meager lunch period in order to attend study lab.

It’s not that I’m not tickled by all those goofy, cheesy posters you put up around the hallways and classrooms to encourage learning and kindle a desire to learn from within us.

Sir, it’s not that I’m sick and tired of all those desks and short chairs.

It’s just that, frankly, I HATE SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I’m leaving tomorrow.

See ya.


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