
Ambitious Trees

Trees planted roots, nourishing the Earth and the Sky.
Beasts prowl the shadows, the giving and taking of Life.
Man explores the Roads, the Cities, and the Dreams.
His is the road to Singayn…

The song they knew well; nary a traveler passed through this corridor of the forest without at least humming the tune, excited for what lay behind the lofty gates. To them the song speaks of hope.

To the trees, it speaks of nothing but lies.
Weren’t their dreams worth exploring? Weren’t they deserving of the chance to tame their nature? to uproot themselves from their static destinies?

As each traveler crossed, they cry for their attention, for their compassion. They waved, with great effort, the only part of their anatomy capable of moving..
With each motion, their leaves rustle. Give us a chance!

Most ignore them. The crueler ones wave back.

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