
Lather, Rinse, Repeat

Hot and sticky, the summer night provided no relief from the muggy day. Megan had long since thrown the sheet to the floor in her fitful sleep and woke covered in a thin film of moisture. She sat up, hair falling from her loosened ponytail to quickly cling to her neck and cheeks.

Dark circles under her eyes greeted her in the mirror. The faucet squeaked as she turned on the hot water for her shower. Thinking twice, she turned it down, no need to sweat in the place you were supposed to wash yourself clean.

The clean smell of the soap woke her up as she considered what this night’s work would bring. Only last week she’d decided that hostessing wasn’t bringing her enough dough. A flashy neon pink flyer waved from a light pole as she passed by on her way to IHOP. The corner had pulled loose from the staple. Curious, she smoothed it back and read: Wanted, Art Studio Models: Paying Top Dollar!

So now she stays up late modeling, sleeps in til her 3 o’clock shift at pancake heaven, lather, rinse, repeat.

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