
When in Rome...

Tension painted the air, coloring it with excitement, with danger. More than the cloying heat that lingered into the night, more than the restlessness that can creep into any house or any heart, more than the sense that somebody was watching, there was a sense of anticipation, of certain ominous expectations and of prices to be paid.

In this city, people did not question the unexplained and inexplicable- they knew better than to push their rotten luck. Homes stood without lights, doors locked and windows barred, hoping that whatever happened, happened to someone else.

I had heard the stories and wanted to add spice to the recent bitterness of my life. In my pocket was the crumpled note that had pulled me here from across the globe.

I had waited, carefully parsing out money until the cycle began anew.

Now I walked and let my feet choose the path. The whole city was heavy in its silence. Somewhere, a dog barked.

Tension shattered like glass as screams erupted simultaneously, splintering echoes of pain.

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