Listen: I’m not going to tell you what to think. I’m going to tell you how to think.
Think like this: You are one of many. Ever so many. Your needs are the needs of just one.
What if: Your needs were in competition against the needs of another. It’s a quick cost-benefit equation.
Come on, really: It’s simple—binary. Flip a coin.
Now: Imagine if everyone chose in their favor. What then?
Competition: If you only work to fulfill one need for yourself, you can gain one need. You cannot gain a need from another due to these circumstances.
Well: What if everyone chose in the other’s favor?
Cooperation: If you only work to fulfill one need for another, they can gain one need. You cannot gain a need from yourself due to these circumstances. Remember, they only gain one need.
Just one: From you.
Maybe: A thousand needs—if they know enough people as nice as you are.
Simply: This could be you.
Think: Of others.