The two spectrals.
“It is your turn Daniel.” spoke the image. And image was the only way Daniel could think to describe it. It wasn’t a thing. Things had depth. This was nothing but a spectral assortment of colors and pigments, which looked oddly enough like a piglet.
“Um.. Excuse me, but my turn for what?” asked Daniel, confused at the piglet’s statement.
The piglet’s expression hardened. It looked more now like a wolf, with a more angular face and was now a dark grey. Then, the wolf-pig image split into two, and the wolf-pig began to growl at the other, which looked a bit like a raccoon.
“You said he knew,” growled the wolf-pig, “But he knows nothing. He is no use to us.”
The raccoon seemed very interested in his spectral representation, looking over his appendages.
Then the raccoon opened his mouth wide, and put his fist inside it. “Marvelous,” he said, enjoying the aspects of himself, “Cinot, I think you will find he knows more than he lets on.”
The wolf-pig growled and pointed at Daniel, “Explain.”