
Away With It

It stood there in the corner of my room. Threatening to tell everything it sees me do. That porcelain bear had to go. It was a gift from my boyfriend and he had gotten it from China. It’s not that I hated it. It was just the fact that it saw everything I did and it threatened to tell everyone I knew. “Just give it away, Faith.” my friend Corrine told me over the phone. “NO! I can’t!” I responded. I couldn’t tell her that if I gave it away, it would tell all my secrets to its next owner. At night, it would look at me with its big eyes. At 12 each night I’d get up and turn its head the other way. When my boyfriend walked in my apartment, I wouldn’t let him touch the bear. It would transfer all its little secrets into his mind. Every time I came from classes or work into my apartment it would say “You’re not sneaky. I know what you do.” One day, I couldn’t take it anymore, and I smashed that little bear up. All my little secrets were in the air now. I wouldn’t let anyone in my apartment. I had nothing to hide.

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