

She shouldn’t be here, she should be at the hospital, Antonia should be at the hospital, she shouldn’t be riding this stupid course, not without Phillip, not when he was lying in a hospital bed with a broken collarbone and leg and-

Bruno swiveled his ears around to face Antonia and snorted violently. The message was clear: what is going on? Antonia knew that horses are incredibly empathetic and that Bruno was feeling every emotion that she was right along with her. She fought to calm the storm of feelings rising inside of her and leaned over Bruno’s neck, whispering, “Let’s do it, buddy. Let’s do this.” Bruno broke into a canter, and Antonia leaned back and focused her eyes on the first jump. It was an in-and-out, two fences placed only a stride apart. Antonia felt like she was facing a brick wall a hundred feet high. This was the jump that Phillip had fallen on.

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