
The Rogue

Taladis looked down at his shackled hands.

This is a fine mess I’ve gone and gotten myself into he thought.

“You thought you could break into my fortress, kill my guards, steal my jewels, and sleep with my concubines?!?!” Ras’mollok screamed, his bushy beard quivering with every word.

“In hindsight, maybe I should’ve left the ladies alone!” Taladis chuckled.

“I will cut out your tongue and feed it back to you, you- you- you INSECT!!”

“At least I’ll have something to eat, eh?” Taladis said, a smile never leaving his face.

Ras’mollok covered his face with his palm and sighed. “I am going to kill you slowly. Slowly and painfully.”

I just need to keep you talking a bit longer, fat boy. Taladis thought.

“Look, Sheik, instead of killing me, employ me! I sneaked all the way to your private harem, killing two dozen of your best guards along the way!”

“I have spies and assassins, you fool! Take-” Ras’mollok began, but he was cut off by the sudden appearance of a fireball.

The fireball exploded.

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