
Tramp Dog

The smell hit Jack as he stepped onto the bus – a combination of alcohol, urine and rotting vegetables. He made his way to the back and eyed with distaste the tramp who sat alone on the front seat. Under the tramp’s seat lay a small dog – a dirty, one-eyed mongrel that could only be described as a Jack Russell which had been cross-bred with a sewer rat.

Jack coughed in disgust, imagining the authorities scooping up this flea-ridden mangy animal (and hopefully its owner as well!) and whisking them off for quick termination. Why did the bus to work always have to be full of these disgusting creatures? The dog stared at Jack intently, its small beady eye and empty red eye socket burrowing into the back of his skull. He tried not to look at the wretched thing.

Jack jumped up at the terminus, keen to be off the bus. Skipping round, he sniffed the air and lifted his leg involuntarily against the wheel to relieve himself, for some reason fascinated by the one-eyed businessman leaving the bus on his way to work.

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