
Ficly "Book" Stories

Wot’s dis dam story i’s bin told ‘bout on dem Ficly pages?
Somebodies gone an’ made a big spectaclar ‘bout not bin identified as one of the best god dam yarn tellas round thisem parts of blogsville.Hot dam it motherfucker iffen he gets to ride the book train im’sa goin wit im.
Why thar’s poor ole THX. Now he’s bin round a long time. ‘N mighty Joe musta bin here since his momma darn took him outa napkins. Elsha shore has bin round these Ficly hills a lot longa than a Tad out thar. Then there’s Mess, n I don’t mean literal like. Jus a good lookin young gent with a purty way wit words.
Lotsa folks round here feel theys lookin at a pile of good writers goin in them there pages but wot about some of us mediocre folks who just LUV to be friendly and have a wee bit of time on our hands. Who’s with me now pardners. Lets give a show of pens for this here Ficly debacle and write up a storm. Shore nuf we will go down in ficly pages as the most prolific writers who ever wrote on this here site.

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