Notice of Eviction
In the more liberal areas of the United States, socialist tendencies have strengthened. Laws have been altered to protect the individual and society over the interests of business.
In these parts of the US, the good parts, humanity and civility are the crown jewel of the community. A far cry from the barbarity of unbridled capitalism practiced in the uneducated parts of the country, the ‘red states’. Below is the transcript of an actual eviction notice from these enlightened areas:
Dear Tenant, this notice serves as the first and final notice to vacate premises on or before 7/14/2010.
Failure to vacate by above date will result in immediate seizure of all property within and its auction. Tenants, if found on premises, will be removed by force.
Local Statute 2414-12Ax1
Served July 13, 2010
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