
Love Them Anyway

“Son, I can’t tell you how to be a man because each man is different. Every creature on the earth is unique in some way. But I can give you some guidelines; things that you may want to consider.
“There will be times when you have to be hard. You won’t be able to show emotion and will have to work your tail off. And that’s part of life. But don’t forget that it’s ok to be weak also. If you need to cry like a baby, you do it. Just do it in the privacy of your own home.
“There will be times when the earth almost seems to stand still and the grind is about to chew you up. But there are others times when you’ll wish for those slow days. So cherish the things you need to and let go the things you don’t.
“Lastly, don’t go acting a fool. It just might get you…” Here his voice broke. He collapsed on the grave of his dead son and sobbed.
When he’d had his fill of tears, he wiped his face and stood.
“You made me break my own rules, son. But I love you anyway. And that’s the greatest lesson of all.”

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