
The Dark Lands to the South

Zsrik looked up, his luminous yellow eyes picking out detail on the wings of dead Avians that flew far above him, nearly at the height of the artificial darkness that shielded the Dark Lands from the light. He looked back at what he had been doing, and chipped away another fragment of midnight crystal, which had been growing on a rock, fed by the unnatural darkness. Midnight crystals were needed for the composition of several dark rituals and for powering the shadow towers that kept the darkness in place. Zsrik shuddered at the thought of some of the rituals, as they required a Gaunt to actually eat a certain quantity of the crystals which he was collecting. He stood up, basket of deep purple crystals full, and muttered something in the language of death and darkness. A servant rose up with a gentle moan, picked up the basket and stood, watching its master with unfocused, rotting eyes. Zsrik pointed back towards the Sunless City, where his family home was, and the Gaunt and servant started walking back.

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