I love this idea, very clever :) I like how you introduce the set at the end of the Henry VIII one, but I think my favourite’s probably the Kathering of Aragon one because I think you capture her desperation well. Keep them coming :)
It’s written well, but I can’t help feeling that I’ve seen it too many times before.
Since the basic idea of the scene is so widely used, and since it seems to be a part of an ongoing series, would it be possible to build on the idea a little more in the future?
I can understand the whole written before thing. I’m just in love with anything to do with the Tudors and I thought I’d try and write about part of their life. I may have to extend a couple to two ficlys to get all the info I want
I’m sorry! There are a lot of punctuation errors :S Also, Anne did sleep before marriage; it was Jane who refused to see to the Kind until they were married. However the feel of this piece is the best so far. I can understand your love with the Tudors. They’re one of the more interesting families in British history. But British history is just plain interesting, full stop.
Made a couple of adjustments. Stupid me, I did know that Anne did eventually give in to him I just completely forgot! Haha! To be honest I don’t know a lot about Jane Seymour, so I couldn’t say whether she did or not. And Tudor’s =<3
Well, Seymour was a lady in Court reccomended by Thomas Cromwell. She said she wouldn’t do the dirty with Henry until they were married. Henry really loved her and was absolutely devastated when she died.