Sweet final line of dialogue— it is why it ends at a perfect point of transition. and the line about disarming him by literally disARMing him? Sweeeet.
Beautifully written, but I’m not sure if this suited for the small ficly package it was put in. There seemed to be so much more to the world and the plot. I guess it just seems like it should be a prologue to a novel rather than a stand alone story.
I loved the bit about disarming him. I love it so much. I wan’t to try dislegging my brother. I didn’t much care for the description gradient. You started with nice, rather bulky description, and work your way down to simply ‘a dragon appeared’, but I still wan’t to put that down to character limit, so Ill rate 5.
I want to rename this “Nice Job Breaking it Hero” in honor of the Trope it so blatantly invokes. I appreciate the comments and ratings, though I’m not too happy with this one
I agree with Krulltar that it feels like a longer story was chopped down to fit in Ficly, but I love the idea of a group of heroes working on a “need to know” basis, and finding themselves in deeper and deeper trouble because of it.
Tad Winslow
H.S. Wift