Oh, I hadn’t even thought of that! But reading it again that makes better sense, how strange :L. I was writing about when we used to visit my Great Grandma…we always used to dress up smartly for her because she was quite old-fashioned. The tea-parties were at her house and we’d sit on the floor by her fireplace because the living room was quite small…fond memories :)
Your imagery is wonderful! And it just proves that poetry can mean many things to many people. I thought of a friendship formed over dress up tea parties and it only continued through the years. Beautiful!
This is very sweet, lovely and nostalgic. One note is your punctuation seems a bit too scattered; in the first verse the capital V of ‘Vague’ needs a full stop before it, or all starts of lines need a capital letter. The last verse is a little confusing to follow, possibly a full stop or semi-colon after ‘socks’ would make it easier to read. Also, a little late, but welcome to Ficly, looking forward to more!
ElshaHawk (LoA)
There is a light and it never goes out :)
There is a light and it never goes out :)
ElshaHawk (LoA)
Tad Winslow