We tend to consume and pollute what we need to survive like water and air like the hawk kills what it needs to eat in order to survive. Thats the gist of it.
now for my analysis comment, I agree with THX that this had great visuals, but I did find the philosophical analogy, between a hawk feeding and humans destroying what give us life, a bit lacking.
I’m not saying the hawk is wrong for what it does to survive, but it does destroy something in order to live. We destroy things out of convenience. Cars are convenient, cars pollute what we breathe. I’m saying that we are wrong for polluting out of convenience and in the process we say f you to all of the other more simple creatures ‘sharing’ this space. Speaking of cars, take a look at BP in the gulf. I can understand that the analogy might not be spot on, but 2 out of 5?— that’s an emotional rating if I ever saw one.