Thunder In the Sky
Attentively, she sat up straight and watched patiently out of the front door. All of a sudden she started to quake and ran upstairs to the safety of the master bathroom and sat trembling. Kayley cautiously listened, the lightning was fierce and rain was falling in buckets now.
Inside, she gathered her senses. Was this the end of time?! Were all the naysayers right?! She quickly flashed out of her trance and ran to the living room with the big bay window. From her new esteemed vantage point, she could now see the storm in its full force and vibrato. The ground looked like it was being singed from all the lightning strikes. Water poured from the gutters on her apartment, because they simply could not handle the load.
Truly, she thought, this is the work of the hand of God, thank goodness man does not yet have control over such amazing forces.
At peace with herself, she stepped out and leaned over the balcony and smiled. Tomorrow would bring another day, cleansed from the storm, and Kayley was ready.