Here’s the same comment I posted on the duplicate post.
“Dated within a week, love in two, Within three the dreaded “I love you” ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I love those lines. Saying “I love you” first or early in a relationship can totally be a death sentence, but there’s nothing worse than biting your tongue out of fear that you are the most vulnerable one who cares more, and will ultimately be the one to take the biggest hit if it doesn’t work out. It’s almost better to get it over with if it comes to that. Nice job, PJ
Man, no matter how hard you try to deny it, your poems are good, PJ. It was a less conventional rhyme scheme that you don’t see very often, but it really worked, and I really liked the poem as a whole.
Maybe, and I mean maaaybe, (cuz I don’t know) you don’t like the ones that hurt the most, which unfairly happen to be the most relateable and usually the most interesting. Sometimes you have to lay down in the street and just get run the f over (emotionally) to impart touching truths for the reader. I don’t mean to be preachy as hell, I hope I don’t come off as that, but the most simple slice of verse, no matter how bare basic, can touch people with its experience and wisdom and lesson much more potently than some seemingly genius turn of phrase.
your poems are awesome! and don’t hate what you’re good at PJ. You captured this all very well and I feel your pain. that’s the goal of a poet, isn’t it?
ElshaHawk (LoA)
Tad Winslow
H.S. Wift
Wednesday [PJ] ((LoA))
Tad Winslow
Wednesday [PJ] ((LoA))
blusparrow (LoA)
H.S. Wift
THX 0477