Multiple Geekgasms
They were even more heavily protected than Imperial stormtroopers, the unwieldy armor surprisingly effective against blaster fire. They were as big as Wookies, their masks the same inhuman grimace the Empire’s minions wore.
The Masters had foreseen their coming, huge elaborate ships bathed in flame as they descended toward the Temple.
The wild melee spread across the field.
“May the Force be with us!” The young Knight, his Padawan’s braid only recently shorn, leapt over a solid projectile’s explosion. There were too many in the air to deflect, and it took all his concentration to parry the whining blade of a toothed sword. He sliced the crude weapon in half with his glowing blue lightsaber, then raised his other hand, blasting the giant back with the Force. He fell, but rose clumsily.
The giant raised a pistol, firing a green projectile that exploded on the lightsaber, sending the Jedi tumbling. He rolled to his feet nimbly, his face bathed in blue.
“I sense the Dark Side in them. Unleash the Rancors!”