The Thief
Hearing the alarm, the townsfolk gathered.
“A thief came through here last night,” the sheriff said with urgency, “and I need some of you men to ride out with me to get back what was stolen.”
The men raised their arms and pumped their guns in the air. “We’ll see that thief in hell,” was shouted above the din. Though their women looked scared, these were stout and determined Christian men for whom “Thou shalt not steal” was to be taken seriously.
“Saddle up!” the sheriff yelled.
Nightfall came. Trembling, the thief raised his gun as one of the posse moved towards his hiding place. Unsure panic caused him to open fire and the man fell dead. The thief gathered his contraband and fled to a nearby barn.
“He’d no right,” the sheriff said angrily over the dead body. Within minutes, the posse surrounded the barn. The sheriff called to the trapped thief, “Surrender and hand back our property”
“They’re men, NOT property!”
During the gunfight, the thief and all but one slave died. To those men, I owe my freedom.