Krllh skillfully landed its spaceship on a plain with lush, overgrown vegetation. It could already feel the anticipation of the conquest. The probes indicated a rich biosphere, with a few species that would make adequate slaves or food. Oh, how it despised those disgusting creatures, soft on the outside, watery and squelchy, invariably small and weak.
Adjusting its spacesuit Krllh set on exploring the area. It was glad that the hivemind had finally embarked on the conquest of the galaxy, to cleanse and purge it from those soft parasites. Krllh looked at the sky and its chitinous appendages trembled with anticipation, imagining that atmosphere burning, as so many before, oh, so beautiful! And then there would be room for its kind to thrive. It analysed the local life forms. Evidently none of them posed a threat to the might of the Kwwoorgh. Krllh fumbled with its antennae, ready to send the report to the hivemind. Suddenly a shadow loomed overhead.
Kids! I told you not to stomp on bugs! Gross…