
For Sean

He told me to run, so I ran. I ran until I couldn’t hear his voice anymore, shouting to keep their attention. I ran until the air turned dry in my lungs and a stabbing pain pierced my side. Gray clouded my vision and I tripped on a root. The ground scraped my shins. My hand found a tree trunk, and I forced myself to sit up against it. There wasn’t time for a break, but I sat gasping for air. By now he was dead.

Lights brighter than fireflies danced through the trees. There was grace and purpose in their flight. These were no insects. I checked my bag—it was still there.

My knees wobbled as I tried to stand. I could barely walk; forget running. Where would I run to? The forest has no end. The wisps circled like vultures. I flinched as one flew too close and burned my skin. Not yet.

Something massive slouched through the woods. Bits eased into sight, glistening and wet. Then the thing itself oozed forward. Its mouths gaped and slobbered, teeth shining in the wisplight.

I hit the detonator. “For Sean.”

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